KISS ESC 2-6S 30A (also 3D Capable)
SKU: PR1855                   Manufacturer: Flyduino

R 453.04
Shipping Weight: 40g
Product Description
Youll have no ESC in comparable size to find that switches as quickly and precisely , remains as cool and as well actively controls the rotor , with a comparable power , with a comparable feature set , this also applies to the 30A version .Unique safety features provide an extra protection which is even able to prevent damage during wrong configs . The hardware limiter functions measure the active power as the power and access in case of an error in accordance within nanoseconds . KISS - Keep it super simple , thats the approach , all that is unnecessary is omitted and all needed is implements optimally. A lot care and development was taken to ensure a wide compatibilty with almsot all Motors on the market, settings are adapted automatically, you wont need to care, solder, go out and fly. You can easily activate a 3D Mode for this ESC, even for this mode you dont need to care for motor settings to have a optimal performance.

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